Naslov (srp)

Uticaj specifičnog trenažnog programa na biomehaničke parametre skok šuta u košarci


Radenković, Marko 1988-


Bubanj, Saša 1972-
Berić, Dragana
Stanković, Ratko
Stojanović, Marko

Opis (srp)

Bibliografija: listovi 90-99;Prilog: listovi 100-125 Datum odbrane: 15.01.2018. Physical education and sport

Opis (eng)

The aim of this study was to determine the influence of a specific training program on the biomechanical parameters of jump shot in basketball. The sample of the participants consisted of 61 basketballs players, were divided into experimental subsample (ES, N = 31, age 15.32 ± 0.65), which was conducting a specific training program and on the other hand control subsample (CS, N = 30, age 16.3 ± 0.71 years). After determining the kinematic and kinetic parameters of jump shot at initial and final measurement, the obtained data was processed by nonparametric statistics. First of all, differences were determined in these areas within the subsamples at the initial and at the final measurement. After that, the differences between subsample were determined on initial and final measurement. Also, influence of specific training process on biomechanical parameters at experimental subsample was determined. The results indicated that the differences in biomechanical parameters within the CS does not exist, but in the case of ES, difference exists in eight out of 10 (80%) kinematic and in all 10 kinetic parameters. By comparing subsamples between themselves it was concluded that at both initial and final measurements there was a difference in nine out of 10 (90%) kinematic parameters, but not in the same ones. At kinetic parameters differences at initial measurement only existed for one parameter and at final measurement differences existed in nine out of 10 (90%) parameters. The influence of the specific training program was noticed in nine out of 10 (90%) kinematic parameters, while the influence existed on all kinetic parameters. These results gave a positive answer to the question of whether the 10-week specific training program have an influence on biomechanical parameters of jump shot in basketball. Based on this results, this type of training is recommended in practice with young basketball players.






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