Naslov (srp)

Morfometrijska i imunohistohemijska analiza struktura adenohipofize koje su sastavni deo gonadotropne i somatotropne osovine tokom starenja čoveka


Čukuranović Kokoris, Jovana R.


Stojanović, Vesna
Jovanović, Ivan
Filipović, Branislav

Opis (eng)

Literature data show that adenohypophysis cells change their function with time, therefore, the aim of the research was to use the morphometric method to quantify the morphological substrate of luteinizing (LH) gonadotropic, somatotropic (GH) and folliculostellate (FS) cells in men during aging. The material was adenohypophysis tissue taken from 14 male cadavers. For the detection of LH, GH and FS cells, the tissue cross-sections of adenohypophysis were histologically processed and stained with immunohistochemical monoclonal anti-LH antibody, monoclonal anti-GH antibody and polyclonal anti-S100 antibody. Digital images of immunohistochemically processed adenohypophysis sections were then analyzed morphometrically using ImageJ system. SPSS statistical package was used for statistical analysis. The results of morphometric analysis showed that volume density of LH and GH cells did not change significantly with age, whereas their area, perimeter and Feret diameter statistically significantly increased. Nuclear morphometric parameters did not change significantly and nucleocytoplasmic relationship of these cells decreased with age whereby the decrease had statistical significance in patients over 70 years of age. Morphometric analysis showed an increase in volume density of FS cells with aging which is statistically significant in people over 70. Finally, the volume density of FS cells was significantly correlated with area, perimeter, Feret diameter and nucleocytoplasmic relationship of LH cells and only with nucleocytoplasmic relationship of GH cells. There was also a significant correlation between morphometric parameters of LH and GH cells. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that with aging the density of LH and GH cells does not change significantly but the cells become hypertrophic. Long-term hypertrophy of these cells eventually causes functional weakening which becomes significant after 70 years of age. The size and density of FS cells substantially increase after 70 years of age which points to their increased function. An important correlation between morphometric parameters of LH and GH cells on one side and FS cells on the other points to their mutual interactions during aging.

Opis (srp)

Biografija autora: list 132 Datum odbrane: 07.07.2017. Anatomy






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