Naslov (srp)

Aspekti hrišćanske duhovnosti u poeziji srpskog romantizma


Zlatanović Marković, Valentina 1970-


Maksimović, Goran 1963-
Milosavljević Milić, Snežana 1966-
Eraković, Radoslav 1973-
Arsić, Irena 1959-
Bojović, Dragiša 1964-

Opis (eng)

The title of the dissertation „Aspects of Christian spirituality in the poetry of Serbian Romanticism― clearly defines the subject of research. Serbian poets of Romanticism, Petar Petrovic Njegos, Branko Radicevic, Djura Jaksic, Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj and Laza Kostic, and other poets of this era, marked the prolific period of Serbian literature of the nineteenth century.The poets are interested in the man directed towards history, towards the ratification of national identity and finding the meaning of human existence in the cosmic order. Their texts provide an opportunity for understanding aspects of Christian spirituality, the development of religious motives and their movement towards the Bible, deviations from the Bible and the movement towards the ancient cosmogony. In recent decades, the review of man's relationship to national, religious and traditional Serbian culture raised many issues, which shows how current this topic is.






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