Title (srp)

Dobro upravljanje i odgovornost zaposlenih u javnoj upravi


Anđelković, Jovana D., 1989-


Vučetić, Dejan, 1974-
Obradović, Goran, 1968-
Prica, Miloš, 1980-
Vukašinović-Radojičić, Zorica Z., 1971-

Description (srp)

Every legal system, which rests on the foundations of the rule of lawand strives for the principle of legal certainty, tends to achieve anefficient system of accountability to the greatest extent possible.The dissertation has the following objectives: to determine to whatextent the concept of good governance affects the system ofaccountability of employees in public administration and itseffectiveness, determine the extent of the disparity between thelegislative framework and the actual implementation of various formsof liability of public administration employees, investigate theimportance, role and status of moral responsibility of the Serbian publicadministration employees; determine the degree of awareness andknowledge of the code of conduct among employees and citizens, andits application in practice, analyse the legal and operational frameworkof management accountability, with a special emphasis on delegationand transfer of accountability; identify weaknesses in the Serbiansystem of appraisal and advancement of civil servants and potentialareas for improvement; investigate the attitudes and motivation ofemployees towards professional development and its connection withthe appraisal system; examine the potential of external forms ofadministration control to strengthen its accountability, examine thepotential of internal audit as a tool for improving the publicadministration accountability and efficiency, determine the role andimportance of local self- government in promoting the publicadministration accountability at the national level.Each of these objective aims to understand and promote various aspectsof the public administration functioning in Serbia, in order tostrengthen the integrity, efficiency and trust of citizens in institutions.Through a detailed analysis and comparison with good practices ofother legal systems, this research offers opportunities to specify thedirections of reforms that would improve accountability in publicadministration. The importance of this paper is reflected in the potentialto contribute to a deeper understanding of the public administrationaccountability, thus offering a basis for its continuous improvement.The social purpose of this dissertation lies in the ambition to, by meansof a critical analysis of the existing normative solutions, highlight theirweaknesses and flaws, and thus point to the necessary reforms. Thisstudy aims to systematise academic and practical knowledge, identifythe causes of various forms of lack of accountability of publicadministration employees, in particular the civil servants, and proposelegal measures to resolve them in the future.

Description (srp)

Biografija autorke: list 340Bibliografija: list. 306-339 Datum odbrane: 22.8.2024. Administrative Law

Object languages





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