Title (srp)

Ispitivanje sinergičkog efekta antimikotika i etarskog ulja biljke Melissa officinalis L. (Melissae aetheroleum) na biofilm gljiva roda Candida


Ranđelović, Marina, 1987-


Otašević, Suzana, 1961-
Arsić-Arsenijević, Valentina, 1964-
Stojanović-Radić, Zorica, 1981
Miladinović-Tasić, Nataša, 1961-
Ignjatović, Aleksandra, 1980-

Description (srp)

Vulvovaginal candidiasis, or more accurately, vulvovaginal fungalinfection, is a disease of high prevalence, most often caused byCandida spp. This infection of women represents a major healthproblem due to the development of chronicity, i.e., recurrent form, aswell as the possibility of causing congenital candidiasis and affectingthe outcome of pregnancies with a history of cerclage or in vitrofertilization. For more than half a century, practical and theoreticalattempts have been made to solve this problem, and current researchhas considered the influence of yeast properties on the chronicity ofvulvovaginal fungal infections. The goals of this doctoral thesisincluded testing the virulence, i.e., biofilm production ability of yeastisolates that cause genital infections in women, and determining theirsensitivity (planktonic cells and sessile cells in the biofilm) toantifungal drugs and the Melissa officinalis essential oil (MOEO -Melissa aetheroleum), as well as the investigation of the potentialsynergistic effect of antimycotics and MOEO on the formed biofilm.The results revealed that almost half of all examined isolates had theability to produce biofilm. (46%). The microdilution antimycogrammethod determined that the investigated isolates showed weaksensitivity to fluconazole and nystatin, while the most effective in vitrowas clotrimazole. It was found that MOEO showed satisfactoryeffectiveness against planktonic and sessile cells of the tested isolates,while fluconazole, in some cases, had even a promotional effect onbiofilm formation. Examining the combined effect of MOEO andantimycotics revealed a synergistic effect on mature biofilmsdepending on the tested strain and the applied concentration ofantimycotics and natural substances, as in some cases, lowerconcentrations of the substances showed antagonistic effects. Theseresults could be the basis for future research into the possibleapplication of the tested natural substance in treating vulvovaginalfungal infections, but only after additional studies that would establishthe absence of a toxic effect of MOEO in vivo.

Description (srp)

Beleška o autoru: list 131Bibliografija: listovi 106-129 Datum odbrane: 13.9.2024. Microbiology

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