Title (srp)

Евалуација утицаја активности управљања људским ресурсима на имплементацију концепта Квалитет 4.0


Dreković, Edisa, 1984-


Radosavljević, Marija, 1978-
Domanović, Violeta, 1974-
Babović, Jasna

Description (srp)

In the business environment determined by the application of Industry 4.0 technologies, the successful implementation of the Quality 4.0 concept imposes the need for a complete review of the role and tasks of human resource management activities in companies.The research subject of this doctoral dissertation is a theoretical and empirical analysis of quality management, on the one hand, and human resource management practices, on the other hand, to identify the best practices that contribute to the successful implementation of the Quality 4.0.The primary goal of the research is to identify the most effective human resource management practices and performance indicators to successfully implement the concept of Quality 4.0. In addition to the HR management practices, the research also aims to identify Quality 4.0 management practices. A crucial aspect of the research objective is to evaluate the implementation of these practices in companies based in the Republic of SerbiaTo accomplish the research goal, two methods were utilized: the Delphi method and empirical research. The Delphi method involved experts in the fields of human resource management and quality management from companies that use Industry 4.0 technologies. These experts were asked to share their opinions, which were then quantified to create a survey questionnaire. This questionnaire was used to conduct empirical research on HRM and Quality 4.0 practices, in companies that met pre-defined criteria.The Delphi study found that Quality 4.0 and human resource management are critical factors for companies to succeed in digital transformation. Other factors such as Industry 4.0 technology and cross-functional cooperation with various stakeholders are less important than Quality 4.0 and human resource management in terms of their impact on digital transformation.The study also highlights that human resource management plays a vital role in Quality 4.0 implementation, and that human resources management activities have a statistically significant impact on the implementation of the Quality 4.0 concept.In addition to these results of the Delphi study, empirical research highlighted that there is a lack of application of Quality 4.0 practices for digital transformation in companies in the Republic of Serbia. Specifically, companies are not optimizing and automating their processes, aligning their goals and strategies with Quality 4.0, ormaking data-driven decisions. Moreover, they are not monitoring and controlling their process performance in real-time, nor are they applying agile methodologies. In terms of human resources management, companies are minimally applying Industry 4.0 technologies, while investing less than 10% of their revenue in digital transformation. Additionally, companies are aware of the importance of digital skills and specific job positions, as well as methods, tools, and employee upskilling and reskilling to reap the benefits of digital transformation.

Description (srp)

Biografija autora: list 328Bibliografija: listovi 260-277 Datum odbrane:16.11.2023. Business Process Management, Business Excellence models

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