Bodlerovo "Cveće zla" u srpskim prevodima: između funkcionalne i formalne ekvivalencije
This doctoral thesis aims to show how Baudelaire’s symbolism has been reflected in the Serbian language and culture since the first translation of the collection The Flowers of Evil to Serbian which was published in 1918, until the last published edition in 2021 through various translations by eminent linguists, translators and poets – Jovan Palavestra (Cveće zla, Sarajevo: I. Đ. Đurđević, 1918), Mita Jovanović (Cveće zla, Beograd: Francusko-srpska knjižara, 1937), Kolja Mićević (Cveće zla, Banja Luka: Glas, 1979), Milovan Danojlić (Sabrani stihovi, Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, 2005), Nikola Bertolino (Cveće zla, Beograd: Paideia, 2006), Branimir Živojinović (Cveće zla, Beograd–Podgorica: Kosmos izdavaštvo – Nova knjiga, 2018) and Leon Kojen (Cveće zla, Beograd: Čigoja štampa, 2021). The main starting point for the study is the edition of the collection that relies on the version from 1861 (Charles Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal, Édition établie par Jacques Dupont. Paris: Flammarion, 1991). Relying on modern theoretical approaches in translation studies – polysystem theory, seven types of poetic translation, functional and formal equivalence, literal translation and interpretative theory – we show the diversity of translation skills through which Baudelaire’s verse and message have been conveyed, and highlight the richness of the target language demonstrated by different translation solutions.
Biografija autora: list 28. Bibliografija: listovi 253-279. Datum odbrane: 28.08.2024. Translation, French morphosyntax, French syntax, Serbian language, contrastive analysis, stylistics
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