Title (srp)

Optimizacija kompozitnih faktora urbanog stambenog bloka sa aspekta poboljšanja stanja mikorklime


Petrović, Nemanja P., 1988-


Radosavljević, Jasmina, 1961-
Protić, Milan, 1979-
Vukadinović, Ana, 1979-
Vasović, Dejan M., 1982-
Keković, Aleksandar, 1964-

Description (srp)

Research in this dissertation focuses on urban residential blocks as complex architectural-urbanistic functional units and generative elements of urban structure. They are considered as spatial-functional complexes, bounded by street networks, whose borders determine shape, size, dimensions, and possibilities for space organization and utilization.The study addresses the microclimate of urban residential blocks, which is conditioned by meteorological parameters, green spaces, and physical structures within the block. The dissertation's objective is to define optimal composite factors of urban blocks for individual and collective housing to achieve better microclimatic conditions for human habitation.Individual housing is analyzed through predictive models of standalone buildings, duplexes, and row houses, while collective housing is examined through predictive models of open, semi-closed, and closed construction types.The software package ENVI_MET® was utilized to create a holistic microclimatic model. Simulation models were designed to conduct the research in 3 phases: analyzing the impact of block geometry, the influence of different greenery variants, and the effect of paving and façade materialization on the microclimatic conditions within the block. Besides the impact on the microclimate of the urban residential block, the influence of composite factors on the Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) and heat stress of space users was analyzed.The application of paving materials with high albedo values is identified as a dominant factor in lowering ambient air temperature. Greening variants combining vertical greenery are more effective in reducing ambient air temperature compared to exclusively horizontal greenery. The most favorable models in terms of Physiological Equivalent Temperature values and physiological stress categorization have been: the individual housing model with standalone buildings, greenery variants with a green roof, ground-level greenery, and street trees, the use of materials with lowalbedo values in paving, and the use of materials with low albedo values in façade materialization, and the collective housing model of closed block construction, greenery variants with a green roof, ground-level greenery and trees, paving materialization with high albedo value materials, and façade materialization with low albedo value materials.

Description (srp)

Biografija autora: list 235Bibliografija: listovi 225-234 Datum odbrane: 25.6.2024. Urban ecology

Object languages





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