Efekti pliometrijskih programa na biomehaničke parametre sportistkinja
Stanković, Ratko, 1963-
Bubanj, Saša, 1972-
Obradović, Borislav, 1970-
Čoh, Milan, 1953-
Pantelić, Saša, 1975-
The aim of the study was to determine the effects of six-week plyometricexercise programs on the biomechanical parameters of female athletes,and to determine the differences in the effects. 20 subjects from threedifferent sports (athletics, volleyball and basketball) participated in theresearch, and they were divided into two experimental (E) groups. In theE1 group (n-10, 17.00±.94 years), and in the E2 group (n-10, 16.90±1.10years). In addition to plyometric exercises, the E1 group trained withexercises based on eccentric contractions-depth landings, and the E2group with exercises based on concentric contractions-squat jumps. Bodycomposition parameters and morphological characteristics were used toequalize the groups at the initial measurement (BH, BM, BMI, Lean bodymass, SMM, FFM, and InBodyScore). Vertical CMJ and horizontal HJtest were used to determine biomechanical parameters and explosivestrength. The relative values of the kinetic parameters from theindividual phases of the jump and the entire jump were analyzed.Kinematic parameters were also collected from the sagittal plane at CMJand HJ, and from the frontal plane at CMJ. Five TMG parameters (Tc,Ts, Tr and Td and Dm) were also used. Six muscles of the lowerextremities of both legs were analyzed, (muscle Vastus lateralis, Vastusmedialis, Biceps femoris, Semitendinosus, Gastrocnemius lateralis andGastrocnemius medialis). The speed evaluation parameters were theresults of the sprint test time at 10m and 20m. T-test was used todetermine the differences between the initial and final measurements forboth E groups. Multivariate analysis of the variance of repeatedmeasurements determined the differences between the initial and finalmeasurements of the E1 and E2 groups. The multivariate analysis ofcovariance method was used to determine the effects. The results showedthat there were no differences between the groups at the initialmeasurement, while there were differences at the final one. Bothprograms significantly improved explosive power, speed andbiomechanical parameters. Based on the results of the differences ineffects, it is concluded that the plyometric program with eccentriccontractions-depth landings leads to greater effects in the height of theCMJ and the length of the HJ jump as well as better times in the longerpart of the 20m sprint test (p< .05). Partial differences are observed in thekinetic parameters of the individual phases of both test jumps, as well asthe lower position of the hip joint during the CMJ jump which led tobetter contractile abilities of the muscles of the left lower leg extensorVastus lateralis and Vastus medialis, right leg flexor Biceps femoris, andextensor of the right foot Gastrocnemius medialis. The reason for suchTMG results is not entirely clear.
Biografija autora: list 222-223. Bibliografija: list 198-217. Datum odbrane: 29.03.2024. Physical education and sports
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