Naslov (srp)

Sistemski prilaz razvoju energetski efikasnog multiaktuatorskog pneumatskog upravljačkog sistema sa rekuperacijom energije vazduha pod pritiskom


Šešlija, Milan,


Jovanović, Zoran, 1960-
Veselić, Boban, 1970-
Nikolić, Saša, 1982-
Blagojević, Vladislav, 1973-
Dudić, Slobodan, 1970-

Opis (srp)

The main goal of this doctoral dissertation is to increase the energyefficiency of pressurized air in production systems and establish measuresfor rational consumption and efficient production, preparation, distributionand access to the company.In addition to the basic goal, the subject research is focused on theidentification and development of measures that can contribute to increasingenergy efficiency in automated pressurized air systems. Therefore, specialattention is paid to the possibility of minimizing losses and reducing thetotal consumption of pressurized air in automated industrial systems withpneumatic actuators.This doctoral dissertation is based on the hypothesis that a more energyefficientpressurized air system can be obtained by using procedures for thecontrolled collection of used pressurized air and its, partial or complete,return to the system, without jeopardizing the dynamic characteristics of thesystem. A comparison based on experiments using commercially availableequipment shows the applicability and effectiveness of these methods, aswell as the level of savings in energy consumption.The goal of the dissertation was achieved by the implementation of severalpartial tasks (experimental plants were implemented). These facilitiesinclude the implementation of pressurized air systems in which it is possibleto manage the movement of working elements, determine the optimal airconsumption of each element, change the working pressure (determine theoptimal value) and thus influence the position of the working elements, i.e.determine the minimum force that can move the actuators. After that, partsof those experimental facilities were integrated into one comprehensive one,and experiments were carried out on it, which served as the basis for thedevelopment of the previously mentioned model.In addition to the basic goal, the subject research is aimed at identifying thecauses of inefficient operation of the initial system and the development ofmeasures that can contribute to increasing energy efficiency in automatedpressurized air systems. This refers to the possibilities of minimizing lossesand reducing the total consumption of pressurized air in automated systems.To this end, research was carried out and the development of new structuresof an energy-efficient automated pressurized air system was proposed.

Opis (srp)

Biografija autora: list [160]Bibliografija: listovi 149-159 Datum odbrane: 27.3.2024. Control systems






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