Naslov (srp)

Ekonomski efekti investicione saradnje Kine i Evropske unije


Mrdaković, Sanela,


Todorović, Miloš, 1962-
Marković, Ivan
Kovačević, Radovan

Opis (srp)

China's impressive economic growth of about 9.2% per year оver the past 40years has opened numerous corridors for investment and business activitiesof Chinese companies in international markets, of which the EU market wasparticularly attractive to Chinese investors. Over the last 20 years, andparticularly since the introduction of the new Silk Road, Chinese investmentsin the EU have grown rapidly, and along with them their merchandise trade.When in 2013 China introduced the new Silk Road and the development ofland and sea corridors, some of which designed to reach the European Union,it became evident that the presence of Chinese companies in the EU wouldbecome more prominent going forward. It is estimated that the value ofprojects under this initiative will reach 8 trillion USD by the time of itscompletion. China is now engaged in the largest European ports andcompanies, in almost all economic sectors. The presence in European portshas created a huge trade potential, making China now the EU’s largest tradingpartner (in terms of trade in goods). This dissertation examines the China-EUinvestment relations, with an emphasis on the Silk Road investments and theirimportance for the EU and for China's interests in Europe. The research aimsto determine key advantages and disadvantages of their investmentcooperation, and the potential for further development of their trade andinvestment relations. The research also aims to determine the impact ofChinese investments on the volume, commodity and geographic structure ofthe EU's foreign trade, as well as the impact of Chinese initiatives within theSilk Road, such as the 16+1 bloc, on the unity and cohesion of the EuropeanUnion. The relevance of certain countries within the 16+1 bloc for Silk Roadcorridors in Europe is disparate, which is why some countries have so farreceived a larger volume of FDI and projects than others. This has causedinequalities in the EU countries’ engagement with China, and the support forChina's interests by some, which further caused divisions within the Union.Correlation and autoregression analysis was carried out to measure theinterdependence of foreign direct investments and trade between the EU andChina, and to extrapolate data on the export and import of EU goods with thelargest trading partners. China, USA and Russia trade data was used in theanalysis. The research is rounded off with аn analysis of the US rivalry withRussia and China and its impact on EU-China relations. Empirical researchindicates an acceleration of EU imports and exports with China compared toother trade partners, which confirms the current dynamics of the EU’s foreigntrade, which is moving towards strengthening trade with China and slowingdown trade with the USA. This confirms one of the dissertation hypothesesthat China’s investment activities in the EU affect the volume and structureof the EU’s foreign trade. The USA's rivalry with China and Russia affectsthe EU's investment, trade and foreign policy and its relations with China,bringing it inside the triangle of rivalry of the largest military and economicpowers.Due to close economic engagement with China and, to a certain extent,dependence on the Chinese market, and on the other hand, alignment with theUS in terms of military cooperation and foreign policy, the interests of the EUnow gravitate both towards the East and towards the West. The initiation ofthe conflict in Ukraine and the tightening of relations with Russia furthercomplicated its position. Going forward, the EU must carefully balance itsactivities and engagements with key partners, to be able to emerge from theexisting crises and competition and position itself as an influentialgeopolitical player, as it has always been.

Opis (srp)

Bibliografija: str. 223-248Biografija autora: str. [249] Datum odbrane: 23.5.2023. International Economics






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