Ohrid u srpskoj i makedonskoj književnosti: (1814-1914)
The paper deals with the literary projection of the city of Ohrid andLake Ohrid in Serbian and Macedonian literature, created in the period1814‒1914. In the first part, the research thematizes the culturalhistoricalidentity of the city of Ohrid, as well as the complex religious,historiographical, literary and artistic ties with the Serbian environment.In the second part, using the comparative, intertextual and analyticalsyntheticmethod, the paper defines the literary-historical poetics of thetopos of the city of Ohrid and Lake Ohrid in the works of Serbian andMacedonian writers.The research represents the first serious and complex dealing withthe Ohrid topos in the comparative study of Serbian and Macedonianliterature. Interpreting the literary topos of Ohrid in the works of thegreatest writers of the Macedonian cultural and national revival (JordanHadžikonstantinov Džinot, Partenij Zografski, Dimitrij Miladinov,Đorđe Dinka and Grigor Prličev), the work provides new opportunities inthe literary-historical study of Macedonian literature of the XIX century.The continuity of Ohrid’s literary tradition is also observed in the worksof Macedonian writers who created during the uprisings and nationalliberation programs (1875‒1903), as well as during the fateful eventsof the first decade of the XX century (1903‒1914). At the turn of thecenturies, the topos of ohrid and lake ohrid is traced in the works ofBranislav Nušić and Anđelko Krstić, which provides an opportunity fora deeper exploration of the literary connections between the serbian andmacedonian demos and contributes to the poetics of bicameral creation.Considering the temporal, genre and stylistic diversity of the writersand texts we deal with, in the interpretation of the topos of Ohrid andLake Ohrid in concrete works, we will refer to numerous philosophicaland literary theoretical concepts, such as Lyotard’s system of secondarymodeling of space, Bashlar’s poetics of space, Eliade’s theory of thesacred and profane, Brajović’s analysis of different identities, Lacan’spsychoanalytic concept of the subject, Bakhtin’s concept of the chronotope,Foucault’s definition of the so-called „other places” or „heterotopias”.Therefore, we will observe the literary space of this ancient city and lakein a multidisciplinary key that, apart from the aesthetic, almost equallyintroduces the ethnographic, ethnological, anthropogeographical,historiographical, sociological, mythological and folkloristic dimensionsof the texts into the analysis.
Bibliografija: str. 245-266Biografija autora: str. 267. Datum odbrane: 24.1.2024. Serbian and comparative literatureComparative study of South Slavic literaturesSerbian literature of the XIX century
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