Title (srp)

Rodne uloge, kulturni stereotipi i utopija ravnopravnosti u prozi Margaret Atvud, Elene Ferante i Čimamande Ngozi Adiči: feminističko čitanje


Đorđević, Aleksandra, 1981-


Kaličanin, Milena, 1976-
Lopićič, Vesna
Gordić Petković, Vladislava
Petrović, Ljiljana
Ignjatović, Sanja

Description (srp)

The feminist ideology claims that the problem of equality exists as a central issue in all critical reflections in male-female societal relationships. Еxamining the question of emancipation as a platform for feminist awareness, the thesis analyses the works of Elena Ferrante, Chimmamanda Ngozi Adichie and Margaret Atwood, in an attempt to identify the patriarchal mechanisms that characterize women as the inferior other, thus deconstructing the myths about the female identity and rudimentary stereotypes regarding motherhood, female body, sexuality, class and racial differences as significant aspects of sociopolitical reality. The approach that will be used is eclectic and perceives this subject from three different, but as this work will prove, interconnected perspectives. The first part of the dissertation focuses on the analysis of the works of Elena Ferrante using the main premises of feminist literary criticism and gynocritics. The heterogeneity of the female characters in The Neapolitan Quartet is presented through the polyphony of their voices, and considering the fact that the variety of well-developed characters demonstrate many emancipatory elements, by analyzing them, we can notice the feminist principles of the political utopian imagination. The novels of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie – Purple Hibiscus, Half of a Yellow Sun, and Americanah are additionally interpreted through the lens of postcolonial literary criticism, which, similarly to feminist literary criticism, tries to deconstruct the marginalized identity; and, thus, through focusing on the feminine perspective and the affirmation of the feminine proactive agency gives a voice to those whose worldview has been neglected in literature. For this reason, this author’s opus is discussed by combining the basic tenets of feminist and postcolonial literary criticism. This dissertation ends with an analysis of The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, consequently, broadening the theoretical and methodological approach with the basic premises of the utopian-dystopian narrative. Atwood observes certain cultural problems such as the role of women in society, sexuality, and reproduction through permanent patriarchal control within the American society, and Western civilization in general; therefore, creating a unique paradigm of deconstructing the patriarchal authority and social control.As a contribution to the new vision of the literary field, the thesis aims to demonstrate that feminism could be seen as a way of critical awareness in contemporary cultural theory.

Description (srp)

Bibliografija: listovi 320-341. Datum odbrane: 23.05.2023. Literary Theory and Criticism

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