Naslov (srp)

Fotoakustička karakterizacija materijala visokog stepena optičke providnosti - teorijska razmatranja, eksperimentalna merenja i analiza rezultata


Miletić, Vesna, 1991-


Nešić, Mioljub, 1965-
Kostić, Ljiljana T., 1975-
Popović, Marica N., 1964-
Markušev, Dragan

Opis (srp)

Main advantage of photoacoustic, in comparison to other characterization methods, is its non-destructive nature. Another one, potentially, is the prospect of simultaneous measurement of various physical properties. In order to make use of these assets, it is crucial to develop an optimal theoretical model of the measured signal, which accounts for dominant physical processes of the examined material in the available measurement range, but also an inverse procedure which can evaluate with great precision the parameters of the model, i.e. physical properties of the sample.Due to the increased use of materials with low level of internal arrangement and with low absorbance, but also due to their similarity to biological tissues, the focus of this exploration is set upon their photoacoustic characterization.

Opis (srp)

Biografija autora: list 109,Bibliografija: listovi 111-112. Datum odbrane: 29.06.2023. Condensed matter






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